Kodi 20 Nexus è ufficiale: Download in anteprima

Kodi 20

Disponibile la versione Alpha 1 di sviluppo di KODI 20 con nome in codice Nexus. Ecco dove scaricarla e provarla in anteprima

Da oggi puoi scaricare l’APK Android di Kodi 20 Nexus Alpha 1 insieme alle versioni disponibili per iOS, Windows e MAC. Il nuovo aggiornamento, ora disponibile per il download ufficialmente ed include un elenco piuttosto lungo di modifiche relative alla gestione dei video, ai sottotitoli, all’interfaccia e altro ancora.

Kodi 20, nome in codice, Nexus, è ora pronto per essere testato dal pubblico in una prima forma Alpha 1, quindi la primissima versione dedicata ad un pubblico competente. Ciò significa che chiunque ora può scaricare e utilizzare la nuova build di Kodi, probabilmente dovrebbe aspettarsi che ci siano problemi.

Kodi sta per arrivare alla sua 20.esima versione e passa dal nome in codice Matrix a Nexus che promette una serie novità importanti. Kodi 20 Nexus non sarà rivoluzionario ma aumenterà la velocità e il supporto per sempre più dispositivi in modo da diventare ancor di più il media center universale.

Kodi 20 porterà con se davvero tante novità, soprattutto sotto il cofano, con una velocità aumentata anche se non dovremmo vedere novità a livello grafico se non per qualche piccola ottimizzazione qua e la ed un ammodernamento del tema principale ma il lavoro sarà fatto a livello di programmazione.

Changelog Kodi 20 Nexus Alpha 1


  • AV1 hardware decoding for Android
  • AV1 hardware decoding for Linux via VAAPI
  • Bump to FFMPEG 4.4


  • Add new font style settings such as border size/color, background type/color/opacity, shadow color/opacity, and blur
  • Add support to display subtitles with dynamic positions which make use of position tags
  • Add underlined and strikethrough text style support
  • Add a new wide color palette in color settings
  • Add a new setting to change text alignment for closed caption subtitles for a better reading
  • Add a new setting to override subtitles metadata like style and position
  • Improved font size that now match the point/pixel proportion
  • When Kodi is in windowed mode subtitles are now always displayed correctly
  • Improved VPlayer for better reading of the multiline text
  • Improved SAMI format to better support multiple languages
  • Improved TX3G format to support multiple styles, colors and alpha channel
  • ASS/SSA subtitles are displayed without flickering
  • Improved image-based subtitle rendering to keep a better aspect ratio
  • Add support to the WebVTT subtitle format type
  • Improved font list setting – the actual names of the fonts are now listed
  • Add support to OpenType font type (OTF)
  • Improved calibration window, so it’s now possible to also reset the calibration settings
  • Subtitle settings can now be changed while in playback without side effects


  • Fix resume of Blu-Rays and DVD ISOs in file mode (not in library)
  • Fix playback of some optical discs on Linux due the incorrect mapping of mountpoints
  • On Linux optical media is now mounted by default (via udisks)
  • Partial code cleanup and platform split of disc drive handling
  • Skin cosmetics
  • Fix duplicated context menu items


  • Fix EDL mute sections and EDL cuts

Interfaccia grafica

  • Fix wrap lists
  • Fix hitrect on auto sized buttons
  • Fix some context menu options not triggering the respective builtin action
  • Independent volume setting for GUI sounds
  • Password reveal button in keyboard dialog


  • Added Steam Deck built-in controller support


  • Add a new Colour Picker window dialog to allow display a color list
  • Improved image control to support read dynamic $INFO data to “colordiffuse” tag
  • Improved Player Process Info window – new information has been added and grouped by context
  • New media flags for HDR videos: detect, store and process the type of HDR in a video file
  • Skinners can now define modal dialogs if its visibility depends on Boolean condition evaluation
  • Deprecation of old info labels with the introduction of new generic ones (e.g. Player.Editlist, Player.Cuts, etc)


  • Estuary PVR Home Screen: New widget for timers (replacing old current/next recording widget)
  • Estuary PVR Home Screen: Add percentage played progress bars to Recent Channels and Recent Recordings widgets
  • Estuary PVR Home Screen: Change default click action to open the Guide window
  • Improve display of EDL markers on the default skin (EDL mutes are now shown, cut sections are also identified)


  • Savestate manager for Retroplayer with captions describing the state of the game provided by https://retroachievements.org
  • In-game Port Setup dialog to change between game controllers

Modifiche dedicate alle piattaforme

  • UNIX Family Platforms
    • Implement WS-Discovery (SMB discovery) for *ix platforms (Android/Linux/Apple)
  • iOS/TVOS
    • Improved Siri Remote handling
    • Improved “Now Playing” info
  • macOS
    • Initial support for M1 native including native windowing/input handling PR NOTE: We do not provide prebuilt M1 dmg’s. Any devs willing to work on ironing out the many corner cases of the native windowing implementation, don’t hesitate to ping @fuzzard on the forums if you have any questions.
    • Extend GameController support to OSX
    • Many code cleanups/refinements/refactors
  • Android
    • Update Android build to use Gradle for signing/aligning/packing
  • Linux
    • Add ACES/Hable Tonemapping for GLES
    • More BiCubic Shaders for GLES
    • Pipewire support
  • Windows
    • New setting to use 10 bit swapchain for SDR videos. Improves video quality and more precise colour conversions: YUV to RGB, limited to full range, shaders, etc. This is true even if video output is limited to 8 bit RGB by system or graphics driver.
    • Improved DXVA2 (HW video decoding) performance by sharing decoding and rendering surfaces. Avoids video copy operations and drastically reduces video memory usage on NVIDIA and AMD graphics using recent drivers.

Supporto i8n

  • Harfbuzz rendering for scripts with open type font shaping features


  • Channels and Recordings can specify a provider
  • Read-only recordings supported
  • EPG Search: Add Saved Searches, incl. new Estuary PVR Home Screen widget
  • Channel Manager: Add possibility to refresh all channel logos
  • Settings: Add possibility to specify which data to delete when resetting PVR database
  • Automatic cleanup of cached PVR images (texture.db and cached image files)
  • Functional Improvements for multi PVR Add-on scenarios
  • Performance improvements, esp. for large number of channels

Build System/Dependencies

  • Most dependencies have been updated to latest, or close to, for Apple/Android platforms
  • Many cmake updates to update build system


  • Many many updates/changes to use std::chrono throughout the code base


  • Colour Picker
  • Colour button setting
  • Add support to add video HDR type info to a video list item
  • Function for removing orphaned dependencies recursively

Download Link Kodi 20 Nexus in anteprima

Per scaricare Kodi 20 Nexus nella versione di sviluppo Alpha 1, dovete accedere al link kodi.tv/download e cliccare sull’icona relativa al vostro sistema operativo. Poi selezionare dall’elenco dei file proposti la build di Kodi 20 in base al vostro dispositivo per Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Raspberry, tvOS ed altri e selezionare la tab Prerelease.

Ecco i link diretti:

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per Windows (x64)

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per Windows (x86)

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per Linux

Download Kodi 20 Nexus ARMV7A per Android

Download Kodi 20 Nexus ARMV8A per Android

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per macOS (x64)

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per iOS

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per tvOS

Download Kodi 20 Nexus per Raspberry

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